Saturday, December 28, 2019
Friday, December 20, 2019
Should School Uniforms Be Mandatory A School Setting
Topic: Enforcement of uniforms should be mandatory in a school setting Thesis: School uniforms in private and public schools are very beneficial to the educational institution to help promote better learning and positive social skills. I. Introduction: Allowing school uniforms into an educational environment, whether it be a college, university, or elementary, or high school setting would be a benefit to the entire institution. In short, uniforms have many positive benefits: preventing violence, reducing replacements if needed, and it would also be less of a distraction to other students in class. The use of uniforms many violate student rights in numerous ways. As a whole uniforms are very beneficial, because they eliminate violence, are easier to replace, and would make dress codes easier to enforce, giving the school a professional appearance. II. Opposition: School uniforms cause a daily controversy among public and private educational institutions. In some settings, school uniforms do cause violence and constant bullying, teasing, and harassment. Especially this comes from other schools. Uniforms can be an unfair additional financial expense and burden to the average person, who might not be able to afford the cost of the uniform. Furthermore, enforcing school uniforms would be very difficult to do because of compliance and violation issues, which would cause a loss of focus from education. III. Preventing violence: ïÆ' ¼ Uniforms help prevent bulling, as all students inShow MoreRelatedArgument Against School Uniforms993 Words  | 4 Pagesfor school? School uniform is what makes it easy! A set of clothing that is mainly worn, school uniform is one of the schools policy and recommendation. Generally worn in elementary and middle school, this outfit is composed of specific colors of long or short pants and shirts for boys, sometimes with a tie. Girls usually wear a dress or a blouse worn either with a skirt or pants, all however have the same colors. This dress code determines even the type of shoes that should be worn at school. SchoolRead MoreSchool Uniforms Should Be Required For Their Freedom Of Expression1548 Words  | 7 PagesSchool uniforms were first introduced in England, in the 16th century. In the beginning it was only for charity purposes, but clothing started to have a different meaning throughout the centuries. The early purposes of wearing school uniforms were not much dif ferent than that of today’s. Same clothing can represent togetherness and may also help students no to get distracted. This research paper will take a closer look at why schools should mandate such a policy, supported by details and statisticsRead MorePersuasive Essay About School Uniforms993 Words  | 4 Pagesthought of school uniforms seems like an old-fashioned thing for many of us. Unless a student goes to a private school, it is usually not a topic brought within families. Yet throughout different countries, having school uniforms is normal. Students in schools that are required to have school uniforms usually do well academically and seem content in wearing the same outfit every day for school. In recent times, debates have grown stronger with in schools and parents over whether or not school uniformsRead MoreSchool Uniforms1506 Words  | 7 PagesSchool Uniforms Help Students Make the Grade On February 24 of 1996 when President Bill Clinton made a speech at the Jackie Robinson Academy in Long Beach California he stated â€Å"This remarkable progress that you have shown in your school as a result of your school uniform policy, making it safe, more disciplined and orderly, creates teachers who focus on teaching and students who focus on their job of learning†(Bily, 2014 p.5). The school dress code debate is not new and the beliefRead MoreEssay on Arguments for School Dress Codes820 Words  | 4 PagesEnsuing President Bill Clintons State of the Union address in January of 1996, more and more public schools are implementing dress codes and uniform policies in their schools. As a result, there has been an increase in legal controversies dealing with the issue. The reason that dress codes are not conclusively enforced is due to the application of the First Amendment to juveniles in the public school setting. The First Amendment states that Congress shall make no l aw respecting an establishment of religionRead MoreSchool Uniforms Is Necessary Essay1033 Words  | 5 PagesComposition 102 October 14, 2017 School Uniforms, A Necessary Strategy At first glance, the only winners in the topic of school uniform policy are the uniform companies and the retail establishments that sell them. The idea of mandatory uniform requirements is repugnant and unpalatable to many Americans. It stifles students’ freedom and forces conformity on our most impressionable citizens, children. However, violence in our schools was the impetus for uniform policy adoption. It gained momentumRead MoreSchool Uniform Policies Within School Systems Essay1474 Words  | 6 Pagesdebate over the implementation of school uniform policies in school systems has been seen widely across the United States The decision of uniforms being implanted in school systems is based off the state or the individual schools policy. The school either can make uniforms mandatory or voluntary. Schools have policies that convey the expectation of acceptable appearance, such as going to school in a properly dressed manner. In 1996 the percent of schools that had un iforms was 3%. As a result of this lowRead MoreSchool Uniforms : Educating Students Dress Safely Essay1511 Words  | 7 PagesSchool Uniforms: Educating students dress safely In today’s era society is forgetting the importance of dressing with ethics when it comes to education. Back in the days it was imperative to wear properly clothing to go to school, the elderly just to say that it was a representation of oneself and it showed how important the studies were for the individual. Therefore, school uniforms, must increase academics, improve behavior, safety and prevent thefts. To begin with, a diminutive history about thisRead MoreUniforms in Public Schools1787 Words  | 8 PagesUniforms in Public Schools: A Positive Approach Towards the Future Since the late 1990s many public schools across the nation have opted to implement a stronger dress code policy which have involved the addition to a specific mandated uniform policy. While some critics of mandatory uniform policies believe that there is no justification for change, school uniforms offer educational benefits, improve student behavior, social interaction, and are more cost effective and durable than traditional streetRead MoreSchool Dress Codes: Good or Restraining? Essays2330 Words  | 10 PagesSchool Dress Codes Final Paper As the society that we live in today grows and becomes more accepting of the different ways people act, groom, and dress, we look to expand the policies we have in place in our schools regarding the ways our students are allowed to present themselves in the classroom. Each different school has their own dress code that they expect their students to follow. Most private schools require that students wear a uniform to school they also have regulations on what type of
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Are Science And Religion One Essay Example For Students
Are Science And Religion One? Essay Are Science and Religion One?IntroductionI have identified the axiom of mysticism (TAM) as the scientific, religious and philosophical fact that there is only one thing that exists. Because the meaning of mysticism is commonly misunderstood this definition needs some clarification. The dictionary defines mysticism as a personal relationship with God. Given this definition it is easy to see why I have named the theory that, everything existent and non-existent is God, as the axiom of mysticism. If the theory is correct then a personal relationship with God is mandatory because God is all that can be experienced. After being confronted with TAM for the first time my fundamentalist Christian friend said, somewhat flustered, But what are the consequences? The consequences are profound indeed. The reality of the unified God infuses us at all levels of our existence. Scientists talk about Grand Unified Theories (GUTs). These theories are possible models for the behavior of matter when subjected to the stupendous energies prevalent at the beginning of time. All of these theories predict that the structure of matter becomes less diverse at earlier epochs until at some particular temperature there is only one thing that exists. This prediction completely agrees with TAM ushering in the era of the Grand Unified Philosophy (GUPY). The scientific aspect of TAM is of particular importance because it relates the experimentally verifiable mathematical laws of physical science to many aspects of traditional religion that were previously supported by intuition and faith alone. Some of these areas include th e existence and unity of God, moral law, immortality, the power of prayer and the infinite aspects of Divinity. Some traditional religious doctrine cannot survive this marriage of scientific and spiritual ideas. The unifying vision of God revealed by the equations of modern scientific cosmology sanctifies the entire universe. The vision of modern physics directly links the origin of creation to the unified singularity at the beginning of time. I argue that this unified proto-cosmos, predicted by the equations, is the physical aspect of God known and described by the prophets of all monotheistic religions. No particular religion can any longer justly claim exclusive rights to Gods all pervasive spirit. In addition the common Judeo-Christian doctrine of separation, which sees the Creator as totally separated from His creation, must be abandoned in light of these new scientific discoveries. This vision of a God unified with the cosmos is the most fundamental spiritual doctrine of all. It is the base truth from which we build a satisfying and realistic working philosophy. Moses adamantly exhorts us on this subject:Deu 6:1 Now this is the commandment, the statutes and the judgments which the LORD your God has commanded me to teach you, that you might do them in the land where you are going over to possess it,Deu 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The uncreated Jehovah and the created Elohiym are one God. Deu 6:5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. Deu 6:6 These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Deu 6:7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deu 6:8 Let all the work of your hands be in accordance with them and bind them in your mind. Deu 6:9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. Jesus confirmed TAM as the most fundamental spiritual doctrine when he agreed with Moses as recorded in Mark 12:2812:31:Mark 12:28 One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, Of all the commandments, which is the most important?Mark 12:29 The most important one, answered Jesus, is this: Hear, O Israel, the uncreated Jehovah and created Elohyim are one God. Mark 12:30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.Mark 12:31 The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these. No other biblical scripture is emphasized in this manner. The Hebrews recognize the importance of these passages by giving them a special name; the Schema. The extreme emphasis placed on these scriptures by the founders of the Judeo-Christian religion make them akin to the importance of the definition of real numbers to the entire edifice of mathematics. All other mathematical concepts and theories are based on the structure of the real numbers just as all other aspects of the Judeo-Christian religion are built upon the base definition of the Schema. This unprecedented scriptural evidence for the supreme importance of the Schema in the Judeo-Christian spiritual tradition leaves the scholar and the believer alike with no other choice but to examine all of the consequences of this singular idea. Moses eloquently expresses this need in Deut 6:8, ?bind them in your minds. by which he means think about them constantly. The seeker must ask why this is the most important idea of Judeo-Chris tian theology and what are the moral, philosophical, practical and theological implications. The importance of TAM is not confined to just the Judeo-Christian tradition. This idea is also the deepest teaching of the most important eastern religions. The Tao of Taoism, the void of Buddhism, the Allah of Isam and the Brahma and Atman of Hinduism are all expressions of this unified God permeating the entire Cosmos. Since both the search for God and the search for scientific knowledge are pursuits of truth, a rational mystic must constantly examine all old beliefs in light of new information. In this way religion can utilize the knowledge of science as a guide to understanding the nature of God. There is no longer a case of two different competing cosmologies rather science is a modern tool of true religion. The Scientific Aspect of TAMLet us review the scientific aspect of TAM so that we can properly understand how it supports many fundamental traditional religious doctrines. It is the predictions of the so-called Grand Unified Theories (GUTs) that lead to these profound religious implications. GUTs are based on the amalgamation of the two most successful modern scientific theories, general relativity and quantum mechanics. The theory of general relativity is a theory of the large-scale structure of the universe. It describes the mathematical relationship between matter, space, time and gravity. Shortly after the publication of the theory in 1915 a Russian mathematician named Alexander Fiedmann realized that the theory predicted a dynamic universe which must be either expanding or contracting. Soon thereafter the expansion of the universe was confirmed by observation. As a consequence of this dynamic behavior the volume of the universe must decrease during earlier epochs. As the time parameter of the equations of relativity are turned further and further back to zero several interesting phenomenon important to religion and philosophy occur. The volume of space is reduced to zero, the temperature and density of matter increase without limit and the concept of time no longer has any meaning. Here is how Stephen Hawking describes this prediction in his book A Brief History of Time : All of the Friedmann so lutions have the feature that at some time in the past (between ten and twenty thousand million years ago) the distance between neighboring galaxies must have been zero. At that time, which we call the big bang, the density of the universe and the curvature of space-time would have been infinite. This overwhelming state of matter and space at the beginning of time displays many traditional divine characteristics including creativity, formlessness, infinities and timelessness. It is, perhaps, the quantum mechanical aspect of the GUTs that supplies the most profound link between the state of creation at the beginning of time as predicted by physics to the traditional God of religion. Quantum mechanics is a theory of the extremely small building blocks of matter. According to the theory, as the temperature of matter increases the number of fundamental forces and their corresponding particles decrease. First the electro-magnetic and weak nuclear forces merge. Next this electro-weak forc e combines with the strong nuclear force and finally the amalgamated electro-weak-strong force is merged with gravity. At each stage of unification the number of classes of fundamental particles decrease until at the grand unified temperature there is only one thing that exists. Thus the quantum mechanical theory of the GUTs predict the singular nature of the traditional uncreated God of monotheistic religions. Physicist Paul Davies makes this point quite eloquently in his book Superforce : Two new conceptual schemes are currently forcing the pace. One goes under the name of grand unified theories, or GUTs. The other is called supersymmetry. Together these investigations point towards a compelling idea, that all nature is ultimately controlled by the activities of a singe superforce. The superforce would have the power to bring the universe into being and to furnish it with light, energy, matter and structure. But the superforce would amount to more than just a creative agency. It w ould represent an amalgamation of matter, spacetime, and force into an integrated and harmonious framework that bestows upon the universe a hitherto unsuspected unity. Bhagavad-Gita EssayIf we accept the idea of an end to our personal ego at the time of death then the question remains, when does an individual experience the punishment or reward due according to our analysis of divine justice? One possibility is that the personal self immediately experiences the consequences for a moral act. Retribution can occur in an infinite number of creative ways and always results in the loss of any satisfaction resulting from the perceived gain for a sin. Again the positive corollary is that the personal ego also immediately experiences any reward due to an act of charity or righteousness. Thus according to this view, at death, the balance sheet of moral activity is in perfect harmony. Sin as experienced from Gods point of view is related to the above analysis of sin as experienced by humans. Since God is the direct source of all individual egos He directly experiences both the pain of the victim and the pleasure of the sinner. Of course, this also holds fo r the positive expression of righteousness and charity. From the point of view of God the books are always in balance. Another logically sound explanation to the question of moral symmetry is the doctrine of reincarnation and its related concept of karma common to Buddhism and Hinduism. This theory is based on the mathematical relationship between moral acts and their consequences and therefor is in agreement with the biblical definition of divine justice and our analysis of natural law as the origin of moral law. The doctrine of reincarnation addresses the possibility that the account in our moral books can get out of harmony over a lifetime and therefor, require another incarnation to bring them into balance. The goal of the practice of these religions is to escape the wheel of birth and death and permanently become united with the universal Self or Atman. Although all of these theories are logically sound they predict some rather uncommon philosophical consequences. For example, in these theories, evil and good are on an equal footing. Both bring one out of equilibrium with the moral ground state. In the case of reincarnation, being out of balance with the books on the good side will cause another birth just as will a bad record. The equal footing of good and evil predicted by the mathematical nature of these theories removes our traditional and, I feel, intuitive guide of goodness as a way of gauging moral activity. At this time I do not know how to reconcile this discrepancy between logical necessity and intuitive feeling except to say that if the books are out of balance on the good side of the ledger at least the time spent in another incarnation will be as pleasant as possible. Perhaps the biblical episode describing the ascension of Elijah is the record of a man who balanced his moral books and was released from the wheel of bir th and death. Biblical In-errancyOur analysis of divine justice brings us face to face with the modern Christian doctrine of biblical in-errancy. This is the idea that the Bible contains no logical errors or doctrinal discrepancies. The usual argument for this theory is that if it is shown that parts of the Bible are discrepant then we cannot be sure that any of it is true. To my mind this outrageous claim is potentially the most destructive of all erroneous modern christian dogma. It is obvious to an objective and intelligent reader that the Bible contains many contradictions. Including this blatantly wrong idea into the mandatory body of Christian belief repulses educated, intelligent and freethinking people. The very kind of people that Christianity needs to continue as an evolving and vital religion. Practicing Christians need not swallow this all or nothing doctrine to be convinced that the fundamental truths of God are revealed in the Bible. For us a conviction of Gods existence is more robust than the requirement of total biblical truth and can survive the fact that there are real errors in the Bible. We are convinced of Gods existence for more fundamental reasons like personal experience of the divine presence in ourselves and in the entire world. Gods power and manifest matter are the substance and life of this magnificent cosmos. Second is logical necessity. This is a world of cause and effect, consequently there must be a first cause. It is this mind-boggling and hair raising cause of time that we rightly call God. Third there is the confirmation of the predictions of scientific cosmology. Thus our conviction of the reality of God transcends any particular religious or philosophical system!As we have seen, TAM cannot maintain the current Judeo-Christian view that a soul fa ces one judgment and then an eternal stay in either heaven or hell. This idea is contrary to the mathematical nature of divine justice that we discussed during our investigation of the moral implications of TAM. The amount of sin that can be accumulated in one lifetime must be finite, therefor, the infinite duration of punishment required by the theory of eternal suffering is out of balance with Gods perfect justice. But now we are confronted with a contradiction within the Bible because there is scriptural evidence for the eternal-suffering model: Mat 25:46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal. This particular problem is no isolated example. The study of biblical theology is rife with contradictory arguments that stem from seemingly conflicting scriptures. I am not going to take the time, in this article, to make an exhaustive list of known biblical discrepancies. I refer the interested reader to Gleason Archers book The Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties. Even though Archers book is an attempted resolution to the cited discrepancies many arguments are inconclusive and there is no attempt at all to defend the deep problem of what Archer calls transmission errors. These errors have been introduced by the ancient scribes responsible for disseminating the Bible before the advent of printing. There is only one other particular example of biblical errancy that I would like to mention before we end our discussion of this unfortunate doctrine. In Matthew 27:9 Matthew attempts a quote from the Old Testament. He claims that the words come from the book of Jeremiah but a little study reveals that there is no verse even similar to the one used. The verse most like the one that Matthew quotes is in Zechariah 11:12 through 11:13 and it is not even identical to the Matthews words. Here are the actual verses:Mat 27:9 Then that which was spoken through Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled, saying, AND THEY TOOK THE THIRTY PIECES OF SILVER, THE PRICE OF THE ONE WHOSE PRICE HAD BEEN SET by the sons of Israel;Mat 27:10 AND THEY GAVE THEM FOR THE POTTERS FIELD, AS THE LORD DIRECTED ME. The quote is not found in Jeremiah at all. Matthews quote most resembles these verses from Zechariah:Zec 11:12 And I said to them, If it is good in your sight, give me my wages; but if not, never mind! So they weighed out thirty shekels of silver as my wages. Zec 11:13 Then the LORD said to me, Throw it to the potter, that magnificent price at which I was valued by them. So I took the thirty shekels of silver and threw them to the potter in the house of the LORD. Even one outright error like this is enough to put paid the idea of an in-errant Bible. Religion Essays
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
The Perks of Fashion Designing †Free Sample Assignment
Question: Describe about The Perks of Fashion Designing? Answer: I dont do fashion. I am Fashion Coco Chanel To understand fashion is not exactly what everyone wants to be, a trendsetter is what every aspirants of fashion designing wants to become. One cannot learn painting by going through some books by how to hold a pencil, and draw a straight line. To hold a paintbrush and learn how many strokes should be made to fill a gap. This is how a learning process becomes effective. This is how Fashion designing is learned. Food, clothing and shelter have always been humans top priority since civilization. When civilization started what human use to wear was some minimal clothes made out of natural availabilities like leaves, animal skins etc, only to protect themselves from different weather and climatic condition. However, today definitely to some extend we have clothing for protecting us from weather, but clothing has become something more than the idea that had been discussed. Today clothing is not just about to cover our self but to establish our personality. It is not about how beautiful we look in a piece of cloth but the sense of dressing that distinguishes one person from the rest. Clothing has become as means of establishing our personality. There came into existence FASION. This is where the interest of youngsters invigorated. Fashion is not just about the appearance: It is about the way one looks and the way one carries himself or herself. It is a way to mark an impression that lasts for lon g. Fashion not only includes what piece of cloth someone is wearing, but what other things have contributed to make ones appearance sober, these things are popularly known as accessories. Children have a feeble sense of understanding what shoes to wear or what kind of hair accessories matches with their dresses. The sense develops with the environment where they have been growing up along with their artistic sustenance. With cherries on top, the passion for painting also makes a count. Painting is a creation that visually attracts people. Vision of various colours had been a blessing for humans and humans should make the most out of it. Therefore people with creative mind must make it a mission to provide a pleasure to humans with enchantments like painting, fashion designing, film making etc. With this kind of mindset, one makes it a mission to excavate the perks of being a fashion designer. Fashion is always changing and change is inevitable. Generations after generations, one comes to know about new things, to learn about them and actually getting the opportunity to create something new. Creativity has no expiry in this field, it can be acceptable and it cannot be acceptable, but one gets the opportunity to innovate and do what one desires. Fashion designing helps to earn money and fame both but that involves huge amount of efforts, patience and the ability to handle criticism. Fashion designing is not a field for making dreams come true but it is also a platform of doing what one wants and feel appreciated when others accept it.
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